LAW is the biggest, fattest pain in the ass. Maybe it isn’t for you but it is for me. Bloody ACCA decided that we should all memorize the WHOLE text of 400pgs of small print and vomit what you need on the exam day. Like for what? I bet half of us who tries to study it can’t even bother to understand it coz we’re all too busy trying to stuff it in our heads. And then, wait a few weeks, it’s all gone again. I believe this is the stupidest sub that they put in our syllabus. And one that just wastes our time. Memorizing first of all ain’t the best method of studying and to memorize; it is not like as if were gonna remember it in the near future so, WHAT'S THE POINT? Seriously.
And the people that I know who take LAW have an O-P-E-N B-O-O-K test. So tell me again why are we doing this?
OK..this morning I woke @ 6am. I know. Early. OK so start la studying law. Then breakfast…still law. Lunch next and still law. And now, 6.30 pm still law. I tell you till tonight also law. I'm SO brain dead. Screw LAW. Retarded kau kau. -.-
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