it's all broken. beyond repair.  

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fuck. I officially HATE coming home.
Fuck you.

I really liked home. Now every moment is just hatred, disagreements and sorrow.
Thanks to you.
You hate my attitude. Well, I act like that because I have to face someone like you.
Sometimes I don't even know whom I've become., 
When I think about it, all I think is you. 

When I don't do things your way, I get yelled at.
And when I try to do things your way, I get yelled at the same.
What the fuck is wrong with you? 

It's so fucking tiring. Coming home & seeing you is like heading to a war zone.
You gotta get prepped with all your weapons and be accompanied by courage.
Like what the heck?
Why do you like to waste your energy on things like this?
You're just wasting your life. And you have to pull me in with you.

I'm not your emotional punching bag. Damn it. 

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